Blender Tutorials

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Title: Blender Beginner Tutorial Part 1  

Description: This introductory tutorial provides an overview of the entire 7 part series and demonstrates fundamental concepts of 3D modeling in blender. Part 1 in this series gives a first look at the layout of Blender, reviews settings, and a basic understanding of navigation and utilizing the toolset in blender.

Title: Blender Beginner Tutorial Part 2  

Description: In this tutorial you’ll review the beginning steps of any Blender project. This video covers adding objects to your scene, editing a mesh in edit mode, basics of transform tools and concludes with taking a first look at proportional falloff.

Title: Blender Beginner Tutorial Part 3 

Description: This tutorial takes a first look at utilizing modifiers in your mesh. Modifiers allow you to change your mesh in unique ways which you will use to make surface changes on your model. 

Title: Blender Beginner Tutorial Part 4 

Description: In Part 4 of this 7 part tutorial you will learn the manual editing tools of remesh your model. You will cover proportional modeling and mesh snapping to customize your mesh and combine different meshes together. 

Title: Blender Beginner Tutorial Part 5 

Description: Part 5 of this series covers sculpting in Blender. You will use sculpt mode to create a liquid effect on your model. 

Title: Blender Beginner Tutorial Part 6 

Description: This tutorial covers rendering in Blender. Here you will learn about cameras and the different render modes and when to use them. 

Title: Blender Beginner Tutorial Part 7 

Description: This final tutorial in this series covers materials and textures. Here you will learn about applying and creating materials, adding textures to your materials, and how to do UV editing over your model.